Friday, October 21, 2016

Samaritans and Refugees

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Is there a Biblical mandate to take in refugees? The pope recently declared that Christians who are against refugees and other religions are hypocrites.

Be good Samaritans. Support the refugees. Amen.

The pope shames others from behind his high Vatican walls dressed in fine linens and surrounded by luxury like the rich man in the story of poor Lazarus (Luke 16:19-21). The pope mentions that Jesus condemned hypocrisy more than other sin. The main hypocrites of Jesus' day were the Pharisees. They boasted about fasting, giving to the poor and following other religious rites to a tee. They dressed differently than everyone else. They were looked up to as an example pious living. They presumed to be an authority on the Word of God and lectured others on how they should live godly live. Sound familiar?

Okay, so the pope is a hypocrite. What about his claim about those defenders of the West who are against "refugees and other religions?" Consider the pope's words: "It's hypocrisy to call yourself a Christian and chase away a refugee or someone seeking help, someone who is hungry or thirsty, toss out someone who is in need of my help."

Has the pope considered that a Christian could be all about helping refugees while being against reckless refugee programs? A cautious approach to refugees is not the same as "chasing" someone away or "tossing" someone out. We also have a duty to our nations and to our neighbors in the West. The Good Samaritan found the wounded man on the road. He cared for his wounds and paid for his stay in the inn. He did not take the man back to his house and place him in a room across from his children. Christianity teaches us to love our neighbor, but it also teaches us to use discretion. You can care for the homeless but it does not mean that you have to let them sleep in your bedroom or have a say in the affairs of your household.

The pope also implies that the we should be accepting of all religions. Has the pope failed to notice that the heroes of the Bible smashed idols, expelled pagan worshipers, and cleansed the city of shrines dedicated to foreign gods? Has the pope failed to notice that some of the Bible's villains were leaders who allowed false gods in Israel? Leaders like Ahab and Ahaz tolerated the likes of Jezebel who in turn refused to tolerate the people of God. The religion of Islam carries such baggage as its participants are bound by the duty to support Sharia law, not only is Sharia law anti-Western but it is anti-Christian. The pope seems more interested in being the high priest of Babel rather than the high priest of the church of Christ.

I know of Christians who have reached out to refugee communities. New ministries spring up across the American landscape to serve both the physical and spiritual needs of refugees. They do this because they have been taught to love their neighbor as themselves. When we encounter them we love them as Christ loved us. We are also a citizen of a land, we have a duty to good stewards of our nations, we are to seek our nation's welfare and to pray for the authorities so that we may live in peace.