Thursday, December 22, 2016

Social Justice Warrior Terminology

Social Justice Warriors have a unique vocabulary. Perusing through the list will give you a better idea of what a Social Justice Warrior is and if you qualify as one.

Androgyny: Gender expression that contains both male and female elements

Androsexual/Androphile: Being attracted to males.

Advocate: Someone who supports a social justice cause. Social Justice Warriors avoid the term "Warrior." They prefer "advocate for social change."

Abelism: Discrimination against someone who is disabled.

Ageism: Discriminating against someone who is young or old.

Agender: Not identifying with a gender.

AFAB: Assigned female at birth.

Ally: Someone from a privileged group (men, white, etc) who fights against oppression and works to understand or check their privilege.

AMAB: Assigned male at birth.

Aromanticism: Someone who does not have any romantic attractions.

Basic: A word used to describe people who do not appreciate diversity.

Binary: The oppressive idea that genders should be divided into two: male and female.

Biphobia: Discriminating against bisexuals.

Bisexual: Attraction to people of your own gender and to people of different genders.

Bitch: A derogatory term now used by younger females who embrace their sexuality.

Boi: A young gay male or a young female who is expressing herself as a male.

"Check Your Privilege": Phrase used to remind people that they are biased because of their privilege. "Check your white privilege," "Check your cis privilege," "Check your male privilege." Words that are used to support white, male or Western identities are inherently racist, sexist and xenophobic because they come from a place of dominance and privilege. "Check your privilege" is often used as an ad hominem.

Christianity: A dangerous religion concocted by conniving Roman officials to subjugate women and non-Western cultures.

Cisgender: Someone who identifies with the gender that they were assigned at birth. 

Cishet: Someone who identifies with the gender that they were assigned at birth and is also straight.

Cisnormativity: The transphobic belief that cisgender ought to be the norm. 

Cisplaining: When a person with cisgender privilege explains something to a non-cisgendered person.

Cissexism: Discriminating against non-cisgendered people.

Ciswashing: A type of historical revisionism that ignores contributions of trans people.

Collusion: When groups of privileged people act to continue their oppression of others or to prevent others from attaining social justice.

Condesplaining: When a person of privilege criticizes a member of an oppressed group. Condesplaining could include cisplaining, whitesplaining and mansplaining.

Constellation: A structural description of the various sexual and romantic relationships that a person may have.

Collectivism: When the group becomes more important then the individual.

Colonialism: When a privileged group control or oppress the territory and lifestyles of other groups.

Cotton Ceiling: Refers to the difficulty that transgenders have in receiving the same privileges as women and lesbians. 

Cultural Appropriation: When a privileged person appropriates or adopts aspects of another culture.

Cultural Competence: How tuned-in are you to cultural differences and their oppression?

Cultural Marxism: A term used to describe how Social Justice Warriors seek to distribute equality throughout society.

Demigirl/guy: Someone who partially identifies as a girl or a guy.

Denial: The refusal to admit one's privilege within society.

Derail: When a conservation takes an unpleasant course or tangent that the SJW wants to avoid.

Discrimination: When members of a dominant group act negatively toward an oppressed group.

Doxxing: SJW attack method where social media is used to attack and publicize their target's personal information. They may also place pressure on the target's employer to fire them.

DSG: Diverse Sexualities and Genders

Dudebro: A masculine male. The stereotypical dudebro is a homophobic, misogynist, unenlightened frat-boy.

Dyadism: Discrimination against intersex people.

Educate yourself: A phrase used by SJWs on social media when they are trying to promote their various causes.

Empowerment: When oppressed groups refuse to fall in line with the expectations of society in order to attain social equality.

Environmental Racism: Any environmental action taken that treats a group of people unfairly.

Equality: To give aid and privilege to the repressed and oppressed so that everyone has the same opportunities.

Equity: To give or to take in order that everyone may have the same starting place. Note the difference between equality and equity. For the SJW equity must be achieved before equality. 

Feminism (1st Wave): Feminist movement that began in the 1800s and ended around 1920. Industrialization caused men to leave the home. This created a public gap between men and women. 1st wave feminists fought to bridge that gap. Voting rights and property rights took precedence.

Feminism (2nd Wave): Feminist movement between 1960 and 1980 that dealt primarily with abortion and reproductive rights.

Feminism (3rd Wave): Feminist movement that began in 1990. Third wave feminists embrace and flaunt their sexuality. 3rd wave feminism is also a response to the narrow-mindedness of 2nd wave feminism which ignored women of color and other gender identities.

Freeze Peach: When opponents of SJWs declare that they have a right to free speech the SJW counters by saying that free speech does not apply to violent, misogynist or racist speech. When a SJW senses an abuse of free speech they call it "freeze peach." Punny, isn't it?

Gamergate: In 2014 feminists and SJWs began to police the gaming world. The gamers fought back and coined the phrase "Social Justice Warrior." SJWs see the gamergate community as racist, homophobic and sexist.

Gap: The gap between pay, opportunity, or achievement between various groups of people.

Gaslighting: When an oppressed person is deceived into thinking that their views, identity or position is wrong.

Gay: SJWs are sensitive to the way this word is used. A person should not describe a thing as gay unless it's in reference to a man who identifies as a homosexual. Saying "that's gay," "this is gay," "that place is gay," is offensive.

Genderbread person: Like the gender unicorn the genderbread person explains the various intricacies of gender identity.

Gender Expression: How people communicate their gender to others

Gender Identity: How a person views their personal gender.

Gender Pronouns: He or she may not be the preferred pronoun for a transgender person. They may prefer pronouns such as they, one, ey ze, xe, per, ne fae, sie, or e.

Gender Unicorn: An instructional piece used to explain gender identity to children.

Genderfluid: A person whose genders vary over time.

Genderqueer: When a person identifies with a gender outside of the gender binary of male/female.

Gentrification: When a low-income urban neighborhood is changed to a more affluent neighborhood.

Globalization: Breaking down barriers between countries and regions in order to achieve social justice.

GSM: Gender and Sexual Minorities

Gynesexual/Gynephile: Being attracted to females.

Hermaphodite: An outdated and offensive term that was used to describe some intersex people.

Heteromantic: A person who is sexually attracted to a member of the opposite sex.

Heteronormativity: The belief that being a heterosexual ought to be the norm.

Heterosexism: Elevating heterosexuality above other forms of sexuality.

Hir: Gender neutral term for "him" or "her."

Hispanic: Used of people who live in the Southwest who are descendants of Spanish colonists. One must be careful when using this term as it gives precedence to those with Spanish (European) ancestry.

Illegal: A hateful term used to describe an undocumented immigrant.

Inclusive Language: Avoiding words and phrases that might exclude certain individuals. A utility hole is inclusive while a manhole is exclusive.

Internalized Misogyny: When a female or group of females support the patriarchy.

Internalized Racism: When a group or individual from an oppressed or minority group supports the dominating group's power, culture, practices and agendas.

Intersectionality: The way in which oppressive institutions are all interconnected. For example, transmisogyny is the intersection between misogyny and transphobia.

Intersex: People who are born with atypical sex organs.

Institutional Racism: When institutions create policies that provide advantages for the dominant culture.

Jesus: The original Social Justice Warrior.  His revolutionary ambitions caused the Romans to execute him.

Kyriarchy: Lit. "rule by lord." Term recently developed to describe the various levels of privileges within a society that keeps people from attaining social justice. Kyriarchy includes patriarchy, white supremacy, misogyny and normalizing binary gender roles.

Levels of privilege: The following is a list of privileges a person may have. The more that apply to you the more privilege you have in society. They are not in any order of importance. The levels are: male, majority religion (Christian), cisgendered, fair-skinned, English speaker, able-bodied, wealthy, educated, European ancestry, fertile, attractive, 30-60 years old, heterosexual, upper-class.

LGBTQ2IA: Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Trans, Questioning, Intersex, Allies (Asexual?)

Lipstick Lesbian: A lesbian who comes off as feminine

Literally: When a SJW wants to make a point of emphasis.

Mansplaining: When a male explains something to a female in a condescending way.

Manspreading: When a man sits with his legs spread apart.

Man-up: A phrase that carries with it the stench of toxic masculinity since it suggests that strength has to do with being a certain gender.

Marginalization: Placing minority groups outside of the mainstream.

Marriage Equality: To support a new definition of marriage.

Men's Rights: According to SJWs any men's rights movement is a misogynist movement of sexist men who are anti-feminist.  

Microaggression: Verbal or non-verbal slights that are demeaning or discriminating. Microaggressions can be intentional or unintentional.

Microassault: Intentional verbal or non-verbal assaults and actions.

Microinsult: Intentional verbal or non-verbal communication that conveys a subtle insult.

Microinvalidation: Intentional or non-intentional communication that demeans or invalidates a person's race, sex or ethnicity.

Misgender: To refer to someone by the wrong gender or pronoun.

Mx.: Honorific term for someone who does not identify as Mr. or a Miss.

Narrative: Opponents of SJWs will often speak of the SJW narrative. The narrative is the way that the SJW sees the world. They will look for information that will confirm their biases. The internet has made this very easy to do through social networking sites like Twitter and Tumblr and through news sites like Huffington Post, Salon, Slate, Mother Jones, and Jezebel. The narrative is absolute truth and evidence to the contrary is ignored.

Neckbeard: Pejorative term usually used to describe misogynist males on the internet.

Neo-colonialism: The practice of 1st world Western countries that exercise dominance over 3rd world countries. While the humanitarian efforts of 1st World countries may look good, such efforts are often polluted by a neo-colonial agenda.

Neurosexism: Suggesting that differences between genders is due to biology. SJWs may see this as sexist.

Neutrosis: A person who is a non-binary gender or agender.

Nonbinary: Someone who has different gender identities.

Other/Othering: To place an individual or group outside of the norm.

Otherkin: Someone who does not identify as a human. Used most often by people who are trolling SJWs.

Outing: Forcing someone to "come out of the closet."

Pansexual: Somebody who is sexually attracted to all genders.

Patriarchy: When a social system favors men at the expense of women and other genders.

Person: The preferred suffix for words such as freshman, postman, and congressman.

PGP: Preferred Gender Pronoun

Polyamory: Having relationships (romantic/sexual) with many people.

Prejudice+Power: Racism is essentially a combination of these two words. Thus a person may be prejudiced but if they lack power then they cannot be racist.

Privilege: Power and advantage bestowed upon certain individuals (white, men, etc) due to historical oppression. SJWs work to counter-balance this privilege to achieve equity.

Problematic: Something that an SJW views as distasteful, complicated, or unfortunate.

POC: Person of color. A term that unifies various oppressed minority groups against the oppressive white majority. 

Prayer shaming: While this is not a term that SJWs typically use it does describe a sentiment that some SJWs have when people (especially politicians) offer their thoughts and prayers after a tragedy. They feel that the phrase, "thoughts and prayers" are empty words and that action is needed instead.

Projection: Someone who projects their own flaws and insecurities upon someone else. Since SJWs tend to be elite, wealthy, educated and white they are often accused of projecting.

Pseudoscience: Any scientific question or theory that contradicts SJW dogma.

Punching Down: To make fun of or demean a person or a group of people who have less privilege.

Punching Up: To make fun of or demean a person or a group of people who have more privilege. Punching up can be acceptable while punching down is never acceptable.

QPOC: Queer People of Color

QTPOC: Queer Trans People of Color

Queer: Anyone that is not straight. It's easier than saying LGBTQ2IA.

QUILTBAG: Queer, Undecided, Intersex, Trans, Bi, Ally (Asexual), Gay (Genderqueer)

Racism: When members of the dominate race discriminates or oppresses a minority. SJWs believe that it is impossible to be racist against whites since whites are the dominant majority. In order to be racist a person or institution must have prejudice+power. Minorities may be prejudiced, bigoted and mean to whites but not racist.

Rape Culture: When a culture accepts male sexual violence and blames victims of rape. The SJW narrative suggests that we live in a rape culture.

Respectability politics: When a member of an oppressed group tells one of their peers to fall in line with the cultural norms of the privileged majority. An example of this would be an African-American correcting another African-American for not using proper English.

Reverse Racism: A term used by whites who are racist or ignorant. According to SJWs reverse-racism is not real because true racism requires prejudice+power. Since minority groups are not the group with power the term "racism" does not apply.

Safespace: A space where someone can go without being triggered by homophobic, racist or sexist comments and attitudes. 

Safety-pin: Used originally for a baby's cloth diaper and the letter-jackets of high school wrestlers. The safety pin became a sign for the privileged to show the oppressed that they are safe people. The safety pin was popularized after the election when a series hate crime hoaxes spread throughout social media.

Self-Identify: How a person identifies themself. Self-identity trumps one's biological identity.

Skoliosexual: Someone who is attracted to genderfluid or genderqueer people.

Slut-Shame: To condemn a person for being sexually active.

Social Justice: To redistribute wealth, privilege and opportunities by convincing special interest groups that they are victims.

Spiritual: When a SJW wants to say that they are religious they will use the word spiritual. Religion tends to be tied to oppression.

Systemic: A word that SJWs like to use when describing oppression that is system-wide, normalized, and ingrained.

Stealth: Transgender who is not "out."

STEM: Could be used as pejorative of a university student who studies science, tech, engineering, or math and has a condescending attitude toward social justice. STEM programs are an example of  the gender gap as the majority of STEM students are male.

Stemme: A lesbian who is a cross between a stud and femme.

Stud: POC term that means lesbian.

Third-world: Derogatory word that refers to a non-industrial, non Western country. Third-world implies that the Western industrial world is the standard by which other countries should be measured.

They: A first person singular pronoun preferred by those who do not identify themselves as a male or female.

This.: SJW point of emphasis often seen on social media.

Tolerance: A word that originally referred to one's ability to put up with unacceptable behavior. Tolerance now means accepting the attitudes, actions and agendas of all special interest groups. Failure to tolerate social justice views will not be tolerated.

Toxic: A word that means harmful, rude or cruel. Groups and individuals can be described as toxic if they do not check their privilege. SJWs will often speak of society's toxic masculinity.

Transethnic: Identifying with a culture or ethnic group that is different than your own. Many transethnics are people trying to troll SJWs.

Transgender: A person who does not identify with their assigned gender. 

Transphobia: Someone who fears or hate transgenders. 

Transexual: This word seems to be falling out of favor. Transexual usually refers to someone that is medically transitioning or has transitioned from one gender to another.

Transmisogyny: Discrimination against trans women.

Transvestite: A person who dressed like the opposite gender, also known as "cross-dresser."

Trigger: To cause someone discomfort by forcing them to relive an unpleasant memory or experience.

Trigger warning: A warning that allows a person to avoid trauma by being exposed to an unwanted experience. A professor may give his class a trigger warning if they begin talking about something that is controversial.  

Truscum: Someone who follows a more medical definition of transsexualism. They believe that gender dysphoria is needed to be a true transsexual.

Tumblr: A social networking website frequented by Social Justice Warriors. 

Victim blaming: Suggesting that the victim of oppression has brought the oppression upon themselves.

Victimizing/Victimhood: Many people accuse SJWs of convincing various groups and individuals that they are victims. Victimizing creates dissension, hatred, rebellion, and underachievement.

Village: The ideal social unit. The village is to be preferred to the oppressive Western notion of the nuclear family.

Virtue signal: Often used to describe SJW behavior. To virtue signal is when you do or say something to look acceptable to the larger group.

Western Civilization: The most oppressive force in the history of the planet. If Western Civilization is to be studied in school it must be studied through the lens of oppression.

White Privilege: A set of advantages that white people have due to the historical oppression of others. Many white people do not understand or realize that they have a position of privilege.

Whitesplain: When a white person of privilege explains something in a condescending way to a person of color or when a white person criticizes the actions, attitudes or behavior of persons of color.

Whitewashing: A type of historical revisionism that ignores the contributions of people of color.

Woke: To describe someone as culturally competent. If a man supports feminism he is "woke."

Xenophobia: Fear or hatred of the "other" or that which is foreign.

Ze: Gender neutral term for he or she. 

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