Friday, February 10, 2017

What will I tell her?

No. I won't set her up to be a loser. I won't tell her that things are impossible. I don't want my daughter seeing herself as a victim. I don't want her to blame all of her problems on others or on the "patriarchy." I don't want her to be hateful.

I also don't think that she is at a disadvantage. I do not think her culture values her less. This is 2017, not 1947. The make up of college students is 57% female. My daughters are more likely to attend college than my son. If she gets harassed or becomes a victim of a sexist remark I want her self-respect, solid convictions and confidence to send those cockroaches scurrying away. I want her to be a warrior, even if the deck is stacked up against her, not a whiner who pouts in the corner because she didn't get her way.

I also don't want a German car company lecturing the United States over issues related to gender. Audi has set records in its sales growth in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia ranks 2nd in growth in Audi sales among countries in the Middle East. I expect that within the next year Audi will boycott Saudi Arabia until women can freely drive cars. I'm sure that their principles will trump their desire for sales.

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