Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A Church that Reads the Koran

A few years ago Luther's church in Germany began their Reformation service with a call to worship from an Islamic minister. A lone German woman protested from the balcony. Her testimony is in the video clip below:

The disease has apparently spread to Scotland where an Episcopalian cathedral celebrated the Epiphany of Jesus with a reading from the Koran. The lector read about the annunciation of Jesus from the Koran in Arabic. Within the Koran's annunciation of Jesus is the anti-Christian teaching that Allah (God) could not have a son. The Koran also describes Jesus talking as an infant, a tradition which Mohammad inherited from the Gnostic sects that inhabited the once diverse area of Arabia.

This church is not interested in the teachings of Christ but in cultural acceptance. Their goal is more political than spiritual and it spills over into their sermons. An excerpt from the Christmas sermon likened King Herod to Donald Trump:

But Herod didn’t manage to kill the Christ child, didn’t manage to kill hope, didn’t manage to wipe out love either.And neither will Trump. Nor Putin. Nor any of the putative far right big men (or big women, that’s not impossible either) be able to wipe love out either.Love always wins.

The midnight mass sermon also began with a mention of Trump and Brexit.

I believe that people of Europe have three options: Christianity, Islam, or nationalism. I think that nationalism will check the Islamic surge and that it will be godless and brutal. Christians have stepped aside and in their eagerness to be agreeable to secularism they have rendered themselves irrelevant in Europe. Their desire to be acceptable will only allow evil to flourish. 

Perhaps it won't be nationalism. Perhaps apathy and inertia will allow Islam to finally take over Europe. If Europe becomes an Islamic continent the culture, languages, and rich history of Europe will disappear under Islam's heavy yoke. The cathedrals will become mosques and diversity will be a thing of the past. 

I think about the Hagia Sophia, that beautiful domed mosque in Istanbul. Was it built by Muslims? Was it designed to be a mosque? 

No, it was a church, a product of Christianity which was converted into a mosque in 1453. The dome architecture of Islamic mosques is not original to Islam but to an ancient, eastern Christianity which today is but a shadow of its former self and a warning to what will happen to a Christianity that compromises. 


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