Saturday, January 21, 2017

Intricacies of Psalm 23


-Yahweh (LORD) is the first word of the psalm

-Yahweh (LORD) is mentioned twice in the psalm, once at the beginning and once at the end.

- The center of the psalm is the phrase "for you are with me." There are 26 words before the phrase and 26 words after the phrase. 26 is the numerical value of the Hebrew word for Yahweh. The four consonants are also the numbers 10, 5, 6 and 5. 


A. Going home with the Lord. No lack
      B. Leads me
           C. Still Waters, Green Pastures
                D. Restores my Soul
                     E. Shadow of Death
                          F. No Fear
                              G. You are with me, Your Rod, Your Staff
                          F. Comfort
                     E. Presence of my Enemies
                 D. Prepares a Table 
           C. Oil, Cup
      B. Follow me
A. At home with the Lord. Forever

A Chiasm of 7 Verbs

He Shepherds
     He Makes Me
          He Leads Me
               He Restores
          He Leads
     He Prepares
He Anoints

He and You

Notice how at the climax of the psalm the pronouns for God switch from he to you. Now that the author knows that God is with him the psalm becomes more personal. He's not being directed rather he is being doted upon by God. It's almost as if the valley of the shadow of death caused him to turn toward his shepherd. Notice also the triple "you" in the climactic phrase. God is often described in threes throughout the Scripture. 

Echoes of Exodus

"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing."

     Exodus 16:18 - Everyone had gathered (manna and quail) just as much as they needed.. 
     "I lack nothing" is the same word as "as much as they needed."

"He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters."

     Exodus 15:13 - In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling. 
     "He leads me..." is the same word as "you will guide."

     Exodus 15:23 - "Bitter Waters" ME MARAH
     Numbers 20:13 - "Troubled Waters ME MERIBAH 
     Psalm 23:2 - "Quiet Waters" ME MENIHOT

"He restores my soul"

     Exodus 14 - The word for "restored" is used to describe how God restored the waters of the Red          Sea.

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. For you are with me. Your rod and your staff they comfort me. 

    Israel travels through the Red Sea with a wall of water on the right and on the left. Moses stretched     his staff out over the Sea to split it. 

"Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life."

     Exodus 14:19-20 - The Angel of the LORD, and the pillar of cloud moved behind Israel as                  they crossed the sea. 

"And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever

     Exodus 13 - Describes Israel's condition in Egypt as living in the House of Slavery

Psalm 23 in the Broader Context of the Psalms

- Psalms 15-24 are often taken as a group. 

- A chiasm is evident

A. Psalm 15: Who may live on God's holy mountain?
     B. Psalm 16: Trust
          C. Psalm 17: Cry for help
               D. Psalm 18: God Delivers
                    E. Psalm 19 - Creation Praises God
               D. Psalm 20-21: God Delivers
          C. Psalm 22: Cry for help
     B. Psalm 23: Trust
A. Psalm 24: Who may live on God's holy mountain?

Psalm 23 and Psalm 16 are in parallel positions. They also have similarities.

     Psalm 16:1 - Yahweh is my Lord
     Psalm 23:1 - Yahweh is my Shepherd
     Psalm 16:5 - "You alone are my portion and cup"
     Psalm 23:5 - "My cup overflows"
     Psalm 16:10 - "You will not abandon me to the grave (Sheol)"
     Psalm 23:4 - "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death."

     Psalm 16:11 - "Eternal pleasures at your right hand."
     Psalm 23:6 - "I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever."

     Psalm 16:11 - "Path of life"
     Psalm 23:3 - "Paths of righteousness"

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